Friday, August 20, 2010

Mias house

Jo Jo and Alia

Well this post is for Maria my big sis♥!!!!! Well me and my sis went to Marias house and we hung out all day! SO we were joking around and say oh i was gonna blog about this so i am.


Adri said...

OH EM GEE! That was sooooo much fun! Jo Jo and Alia r sooooooooooo cute! well im glad u blogged about it those were some good times :P

Maria said...

im glad you guys had blast, considering the fact we didnt do much..and im glad you guys liked my food:) hehe

bytheway...i was the one that said oh em gee first!!!

just like you big sis, how cute:D

olivia♥ said...

hahaha oh my bad i can make mistakes ;)